
Jan 31, 2024 - Mar 6, 2024
5 p.m. ET (see full schedule below)


Online - Zoom
(info and link emailed upon registration)


Anyone who has attended a 16 or 17 hour Invitation to Change training and received a Certificate of Completion.
(Not sure if you qualify? Contact us!)

ITC Certification

Level 1 Certification

Continuing Edu.



Join us for 6 weeks of Invitation to Change training and join our Level 1 community! Learn how to use the ITC in different settings, including running community groups, and gain a deeper proficiency in explaining these concepts to others.

Our Level 1 community is made up of professionals and family members who are changing the conversation around addiction. They are leading groups, bringing the ITC into their recovery work, and advocating locally for more compassionate approaches to substance use (among many other things!).


Level 1 Certification gives you access to the following:

• Twice-monthly support meetings with FFC trainers and other members of the Level 1 community.

• Access to our Level 1 Facebook group, where we regularly share resources and hold discussions about the Invitation to Change.

• Connection to other community members for collaboration, support, and continued learning.

• Access to our ever-growing resource library, including flyers, presentations, information sheets, and research articles.

• Use of our group leader materials, including a complete, 15-session curriculum for leading ITC-based groups.

• The ability to share information about your ITC-based group in our Community Groups Directory.

Please note: In order to receive Level 1 Certification, you must attend at least 10 of these 12 hours.

Any hours you are not able to attend we will ask you to make up by viewing a recording of the missed session.

The 12 training hours consist of:

Two 4-hour training sessions on leading ITC-based community groups.

Four 1-hour sessions that cover the following topics:

– Challenges in running an ITC group

– Connecting the spokes of the ITC wheel

– Using the ITC in 1-on-1 settings

– Questions, resources review, and an introduction to the Level 1 Community


Session 1 : Wednesday, January 31st, 5-9 PM ET

Session 2 : Wednesday, February 7th, 5-9 PM ET

Session 3 : Wednesday, February 14th, 5-6 PM ET

Session 4 : Wednesday, February 21st, 5-6 PM ET

Session 5 : Wednesday, February 28th, 5-6 PM ET

Session 6 : Wednesday, March 6th, 5-6 PM ET

To receive Level 1 Certification in the ITC, you must first attend a full, 16-hour or 17-hour training hosted (or co-hosted) by our organization. See upcoming 16-hour workshops here.

At the end of a 16-hour or 17-hour workshop, you will receive a Certificate of Completion, which allows you to attend this Level 1 Certification training.

Unsure whether you have a Certificate of Completion? Contact us

Full refunds are available up to 72 hours before the training. Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions.

Those who complete our Level 1 training will receive a complete, 15-session curriculum that anyone can use to lead a community group in the Invitation to Change Approach. 

• Our sample curriculum can be used as is, or adapted to your needs. It has built-in flexibility for you to adjust the length, frequency, and number of sessions, and you can combine it with other approaches (i.e. SMART Recovery) or add your own spin.

• Each topic-focused session includes a sample meeting agenda, an introductory reading on an ITC topic, and a worksheet or group exercise.

• We also offer access to our resource library, which includes sample group rules, meditations, flyers, and other useful materials for starting and running community groups.

The Invitation to Change Approach is grounded in compassion, connection, and the understanding that families can have a powerful helping impact on those struggling to change. The ITC Approach draws on evidence-based practices also found in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), and the Community Reinforcement and Family Training approach (CRAFT), as well as decades of clinical experience working with families and loved ones. Built on the three pillars of Understanding, Awareness, and Action, the ITC first illuminates new perspectives on substance use and the process of change; next, it creates a foundation of self-awareness and willingness to engage with emotional pain. Finally, it emphasizes action, teaching communication and behavior skills to promote and support new behaviors in a person struggling with substance use. The ITC was created with the idea of a waterfall in mind: the evidence-based ideas and strategies you learn will flow from you, to the families you work with, to the loved ones they are desperate to help. Families, clinicians, and those struggling can all take these ideas and methods and put them to use with practice, patience, and self-compassion.

