Tom Hedrick – you are my friend, and I miss you and your big big heart at this moment one year after you passed away.
You have been a friend and inspiration and provider of hope to so many parents and families who struggled mightily in the dark…struggled with the most terrifying of things: that they might lose their child to a struggle they didn’t understand. You dedicated your life…countless hours and days and nights to provide a listening ear and a touch of hope, and these parents and families loved you for that humanity and love you gave.
Thank you for inspiring me and lighting a path to follow…we are still following you down that path, are still inspired by that torch you lit in us, and are still thankful for the days we got to spend with you. Thank you my sweet friend.

There are moments in our journey that bring the passing of time into the center of our awareness. Tom, on this day, marking the year anniversary of your passing, I am reflecting on the many moments of being in the presence of your caring, impassioned, and heartfelt desire to bring messages of hope, support, and strength to those families who struggle to support their loved ones, often alone and bearing the weight of judgement and shame.
You challenged me and my colleagues to consistently show-up for the many families in need, as that was what life was asking of them everyday. A year ago you passed the torch to the community you helped develop, inspire, and challenge to do better. As a community, I think we have kept your voice, passion, and vision alive in many ways. Importantly, the human connection and relationships that you championed continue to grow and remain central to this work.
So, I thank you for the opportunity to get to know you and catch your inspiration. I am moved by hearing your song sung throughout the year by the many voices in a choir you organized. With much gratitude to you on this day.

Tom Hedrick was a board member and a guiding light for all of us at CMC:FFC. He was the driving force behind the creation of the Parent Coaching Program with the Partnership to End Addiction––one of the first projects CMC:FFC took on and the basis of our current work. We hope that his love for this community and the families we work with will be carried on through our work for many years to come.